Environmental Groups in Hawaii
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Earth Focus Group 970-424-3404
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808 Clean Ups
City : Statewide
Phone : 808-892-3464
Mission : Committed to restoring Hawaiʻi’s natural beauty by empowering volunteers to conduct decentralized cleanups from Mauka to Makai, responding to littering and vandalism of Hawaiʻi’s natural spaces, saving Hawaiʻi’s indigenous ecosystem through education, and
Aloha Pu‘u Kukui
City : Lahaina
Phone : 808-283-3594
Mission : The mission of Aloha Pu‘u Kukui is to take care of the Pu‘u Kukui watershed from the summit to the sea.
Blue Planet Foundation
City : Statewide
Phone : (808) 954-6112
Mission : Committed to solving our climate change challenge and clearing the path for 100% clean energy.
Citizens' Climate Lobby Hawaii
City : Statewide
Phone :
Mission : Citizens’ Climate Lobby (CCL) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, grassroots advocacy climate change organization focused on national policies to address climate change.
Our Mission: To create the political will for a liveable world by enabling individual breakthroughs in the exercise of personal and political power.
Conservation Council for Hawai'i
City : Statewide
Phone : (224) 338-6511
Mission : Dedicated to protecting native Hawaiian plants, animals, and ecosystems for future generations.
Friends Of Honolulu Botanical Gardens
City : Honolulu
Phone : (808) 537-1708
Mission : To broaden the knowledge and enjoyment of plants and conservation among the people of hawaii and our many visitors from around the world.
Hanalei Watershed
City : Hanalei
Phone : 808-346-5458
Mission : environmental organization that strives to care for the Ahupua’a of Hanalei, Waioli, Waipa, and Waikoko guided by Hawaiian and other principles of sustainability and stewardship, integrity and balance, cooperation and aloha, cultural equity and mutual res
Hawai'i Wildlife Center
City : Statewide
Phone : (808) 884-5000
Mission : Protecting, conserving, and aiding in the recovery of Hawai’i’s native wildlife through hands-on treatment, research, training, science education and cultural programs.
Hawaii Audubon Society
City : Statewide
Phone : 808-528-1432
Mission : To foster community values that result in the protection and restoration of native wildlife and ecosystems and conservation of natural resources through education, science and advocacy in Hawai‘i and the Pacific.
Hawaii Conservation Alliance
City : Statewide
Phone : 808-944-7417
Mission : We provide unified leadership, advocacy, and collaborative action to conserve and restore native ecosystems and the unique biodiversity of our islands.
Hawaii Water Environment Association
City : Statewide
Phone : (808) 842-1133
Mission : To promote education and information on issues affecting the water environment in hawaii.
Hawaii Wildlife Fund
City : Statewide
Phone : 808-769-7629
Mission : Hawaiʻi Wildlife Fund's mission is to protect native wildlife, focusing on coastal and marine wildlife species in the Hawaiian Islands, including the hawksbill sea
Hawaiian Islands Land Trust
City : Statewide
Phone : (808) 791-0729
Mission : To Protect The Lands That Sustain Us For Current And Future Generations.
Hilo Bay Waterkeeper
City : Hilo
Phone : 808-757-1488
Mission : We are dedicated to protecting the ability of present and future generations to swim, fish, drink, and otherwise use and enjoy the waters that support the people and culture of Hawai‘i.
Kahea - The Hawaiian Environmental Alliance
City : Statewide
Phone : (808) 524-8220
Mission : Working to improve the quality of life for Hawai`i's people and future generations through the revitalization and protection of Hawai`i's unique natural and cultural resources. We advocate for the proper stewardship of our resources and for social respons
Kōkua Hawaiʻi Foundation
City : Statewide
Phone : 808-735-1221
Mission : To provide students with experiences that will enhance their appreciation for and understanding of their environment so they will be lifelong stewards of the earth. We support hands-on learning activities that engage their senses and make lasting impressi
Kona Coast Waterkeeper
City : Kailua-Kona
Phone : 808-347-1057
Mission : We are dedicated to protecting the ability of present and future generations to swim, fish, drink, and otherwise use and enjoy the waters that support the people and culture of Hawai‘i.
Kupu Hawaii
City : Statewide
Phone : (808) 735-1221
Mission : To empower youth to server their communites through character-building, service-learning, and environmental stewardship opportunities that encourage pono (integrity) with ke akua (GOD), self and others.
Malama O Puna
City : Pahoa
Phone : 808-965-2000
Mission : to assure critical habitat for native species and open space for future generations through environmental education, hands-on projects, advocacy, watch-dogging and land trusting.
Maui Invasive Species Commitee
City : Makawao
Phone : 808-573-6472
Mission : Exists to “fill-the-gap” in addressing invasive plants and animals throughout Maui County. We are a species-led management organization removing the high-threat invasive species that can be addressed with the resources available.
Maui Invasive Species Committee
City : Makawao
Phone : 808-344-2756
Mission : voluntary partnership of government, private and non-profit organizations, and concerned individuals working to prevent, control, or eliminate the most threatening invasive plant and animal species to protect Maui
Maui Nui Marine Resource Council, a Waterkeeper Alliance Affiliate
City : Kihei
Phone : 808-707-5056
Mission : to restore the health of Maui’s coral reef ecosystems.
Maui Reefs
City : Kahului
Phone :
Mission : Our mission is to preserve, protect and enhance the coral reefs of Maui Nui.
Maui Tomorrow
City : Wailuku
Phone : 808-244-7570
Mission : Protects Maui’s precious natural areas and prime open space for recreational use and aesthetic value, promotes the concept of ecologically sound development, and preserves the opportunity for a rural lifestyle on Maui.
Maui Tomorrow
City : Wailuku
Phone : 808-244-7570
Mission : protects Maui
Na Kama Kai
City : Statewide
Phone : (808) 864-9164
Mission : We empower children by connecting our keiki to the kai and ʻāina to nurture a deeper sense of aloha and kuleana for the natural environment and themselves.
Native Hawaiian Plant Society
City : Statewide
Phone :
Mission : To support the preservation and restoration of native Hawaiian plants and ecosystems.
North Shore Community Land Trust
City : O'ahu
Phone : (808) 230-3820
Mission : To protect, steward, and enhance the natural landscapes, cultural heritage, and rural character of ahupua‘a (land divisions) from Kahuku Point to Ka‘ena on the North Shore of Oʻahu.
O'ahu Waterkeeper
City : Honolulu
Phone : 808-347-1057
Mission : We are dedicated to protecting the ability of present and future generations to swim, fish, drink, and otherwise use and enjoy the waters that support the people and culture of Hawai‘i.
Outdoor Circle Central Organization
City : Statewide
Phone : (808) 593-0300
Mission : Works with branches throughout the hawaiian islands to protect hawaii's unique natural and scenic beauty for future generations through community improvement projects, public education and advocacy to protect view planes, maintain a billboard free environ
Pacific Rim Conservation
City : Statewide
Phone : 808-377-7114
Mission : Our mission is to maintain and restore native bird diversity, populations, and ecosystems in Hawaii and the Pacific Region
Sierra Club Moku Loa Group
City : Hilo
Phone : 808-769-2403
Mission : Helping people explore, enjoy, and protect the wild places of Hawaiʻi
Sierra Club of Hawaiʻi
City : Statewide
Phone : 808-538-6616
Mission : We value diversity and promote environmental justice as we work to fulfill our mission to explore, enjoy, and protect the Hawaiian Islands and its local culture.
Smart Trees Pacific
City : Statewide
Phone : 808-395-7765
Mission : Promote and provide resources to select, install, establish, and care for trees to provide solutions for the natural and human environment.
Sustainable Coastlines Hawai‘i
City : Statewide
Phone :
Mission : We inspire local communities to care for their coastlines through fun, hands- on beach cleanups. We also coordinate educational programs, team building corporate cleanups, waste diversion services, public awareness campaigns and we help others organize th
The Hamakua Group
City : Kailua
Phone :
Mission : Accountable Ecology
The Reef Guardians
City : Statewide
Phone : 808-651-0286
Mission : to protect the reefs and to inform, educate and create action.
The Sierra Club O‘ahu Group
City : Honolulu
Phone : 808-538- 6616
Mission : to improve the sustainability of our island home and focus on a wide spectrum of issues: such as mitigating the effects of climate change, transitioning to renewable energy sources, concentrating smart growth and development within the urban core, and adv
Trees for Honolulu
City : Honolulu
Phone : 808-707-6353
Mission : Facilitating the planting and caring for new trees and the protecting of existing trees in communities across O‘ahu and specifically connecting communities with expert assistance and funding.
WaterKeepers Hawai‘i
City : Statewide
Phone : (808) 347-1057
Mission : Dedicated to improving the health of Hawai'i's water resources. Whether you help by giving monetary donations, volunteering your time, or spreading our mission through word-of-mouth, mahalo. We couldn't accomplish our clean water goals without the help of
Zero Waste O‘ahu
City : O'ahu
Phone :
Mission : To provide zero waste education, resources, and programs to build an ethical & responsible consumer culture.
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