Environmental Groups in Montana
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Earth Focus Group 970-424-3404
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City : Missoula
Phone :
Mission : 350Montana works to reduce atmospheric CO2 concentrations to 350 ppm by implementing strategic actions and advocating policies to end fossil fuel burning with the greatest urgency.
406 Recycling
City : Helena
Phone : 406-449-6008
Mission : provides Montana businesses, organizations, government agencies and households with secure, convenient and local electronics recycling.
Adventure Cycling
City : Missoula
Phone : 406-721-1776
Mission : Adventure Cycling inspires, empowers, and connects people to travel by bicycle
City : Helena
Phone : 406-443-7272
Mission : We are a grassroots organization, helping communities build a more sustainable Montana for all. We focus on the sustainable ag and energy/local food system sphere, creating spaces where future food system leaders and inspired community models flourish.
Alliance for the Wild Rockies
City : Helena
Phone : 406-459-5936
Mission : to secure the ecological integrity of the Wild Rockies Bioregion through citizen empowerment and the application of conservation biology, sustainable economic models and environmental law.
Alternative Energy Resources Organization
City : Statewide
Phone : 406-443-7272
Mission : Through community-engagement, network weaving, skill-building education and advocacy in the sustainable ag/renewable energy/resilient food system sphere, and by creating spaces in which future food system leaders and inspired community models flourish, AE
Beekeepers of the Bitterroot
City : Hamilton
Phone :
Mission : Beekeeping
Big Blackfoot Riverkeeper
City : Greenough
Phone : 406-360-3092
Mission : To preserve the Big Blackfoot River in its natural state, including what's on the water, in the water, under the water, and near the water, protecting it all for the enjoyment of future generations.
Big Hole River Foundation
City : Divide
Phone : 406.560.7089
Mission : mission is to protect, conserve, and enhance the free-flowing Big Hole River and its unique culture, fisheries, and wildlife.
Bitter Root Land Trust
City : Hamilton
Phone : 406.375.0956
Mission : The Bitter Root Land Trust is a private, non-profit organization that partners with landowners and our community to conserve clean water, wildlife habitat, and working farms and ranches in and around the Bitterroot Valley for present and future generation
Bitter Root Water Forum
City : Hamilton
Phone : 406-375-2272
Mission : Dedicated to supporting the traditions of agriculture, community and recreation by protecting, enhancing and restoring the Bitterroot watershed through on the ground restoration projects and watershed education.
Bitterroot Audubon Society
City : Hamilton
Phone :
Mission : We support Audubon's mission to conserve and restore natural ecosystems, focusing on birds, other wildlife, and their habitats for the benefit of humanity and earth's biological diversity
Bitterroot Climate Action Group
City : Hamilton
Phone : 866-964-2867
Mission : Our Mission is: "People of the Bitterroot Valley taking action to mitigate the impacts of climate change and mitigate or change human activities that contribute to climate change, acting with respect and civility to all."
Bitterroot Ecological Awareness Resources
City : Hamilton
Phone : 406-363-5410
Mission : To inspire youth to connect to their own potential, their community, and the landscape through experiential and outdoor adventure programs.
Bitterroot River Protection Association, a Waterkeeper Affiliate
City : Stevensville
Phone : 406-239-4838
Mission : To protect and preserve the aquatic ecosystems and fisheries of the Bitterroot River and its tributaries
Blackfoot Challenge
City : Ovando
Phone : 406-793-3900
Mission : The mission of the Blackfoot Challenge is to coordinate efforts to conserve and enhance natural resources and the rural way of life in the Blackfoot watershed for present and future generations.
Bob Marshall Wilderness Foundation
City : Hungry Horse
Phone : 406-387-3822
Mission : Provides volunteer stewardship for Montana’s 1.5 million acre Bob Marshall Wilderness Complex. We work to keep trails open, restore native habitat, mitigate user impacts, and engage youth and adults in wilderness experiences that change lives and instill
Cabinet Resource Group
City : Heron
Phone : 406-847-2024
Mission : Supports responsible use of our wilderness in the best interest of our citizens today and in the future.
Cinnabar Foundation
City : Bozeman
Phone : 406-370-0237
Mission : to support the constitutional right of Montanans to a clean & healthful environment.
Citizens for a Better Flathead
City : Kalispell
Phone : 406-756-8993
Mission : Our mission is to foster informed and active citizen participation in the decisions shaping the Flathead’s future, and to champion the democratic principles, sustainable solutions, and shared vision necessary to keep the Flathead special forever.
Clark Fork Coalition
City : Missoula
Phone : 406-542-0539
Mission : The Clark Fork Coalition is dedicated to protecting and restoring the Clark Fork River basin.
Clark Fork Watershed Education Program
City : Butte
Phone : 406-496-4790
Mission : To foster environmental stewardship and scientific decision-making through place-based learning and direct experiences.
Clearsky Climate Solutions
City : Missoula
Phone : 406-203-3947
Mission : We focus on opportunities to mitigate climate change through long term forest resource conservation.
Clearwater Resource Council
City : Seeley Lake
Phone : 406-677-0069
Mission : Works to engage the community and facilitate efforts that will enhance, conserve, sustain, and protect the natural resources and rural lifestyle of the Clearwater Watershed for present and future generations
Climate Smart Glacier Country
City : Whitefish
Phone :
Mission : to address the challenges that a changing climate creates for water and food security, public health, and recreation in the Glacier National Park region.
Climate Smart Missoula
City : statewide
Phone : 406-926-2847
Mission : We collaborate across our community and state, building crucial networks to foster a resilient Missoula and Montana, for this generation and the next
Community Food & Agriculture Coalition
City : Missoula
Phone : 406-926-1625
Mission : CFAC develops and strengthens Missoula County’s food system
Cottonwood Environmental Law Center
City : Bozeman
Phone : 8057559207
Mission : Our vision of the future is one in which our grandchildren have clean air to breathe and clean water to drink. The future consists of renewable energy, pristine wildlands, and glaciers that are growing again. Future generations will glimpse a wolverine running up the side of a mountain and bison roaming freely.
Craighead Institute
City : statewide
Phone : 406-585-8705
Mission : To maintain healthy populations of native plants, wildlife and people as part of sustainable, functioning ecosystems
Families for a Livable Climate
City : statewide
Phone : 406-370-6848
Mission : Families for a Livable Climate creates community for climate action in Montana, empowering families to advocate for a livable future
Firesafe Montana
City : statewide
Phone : 406-431-8718
Mission : To assemble diverse interests in a coalition that will work together on solutions to reduce the loss of lives and property from the threat of fire in and around Montana communities.
Five Valleys Audubon Society
City : Missoula
Phone :
Mission : Dedicated to the conservation of birds, other wildlife, and their habitat.
Five Valleys Land Trust
City : Missoula
Phone : 406-549-0755
Mission : Protecting western Montana's natural legacy for the next generation
Flathead Audubon Society
City : Kalispell
Phone : 406-862-5775
Mission : Our Mission is to conserve birds, wildlife habitat, and ecosystem diversity.
Flathead Lakers
City : Polson
Phone : 406-883-1346
Mission : Our mission has been to protect clean water, healthy ecosystems, and a lasting quality of life in the Flathead watershed
Flathead Land Trust
City : Kalispell
Phone : 406-752-8293
Mission : The Flathead Land Trust is dedicated to protecting northwest Montana's spectacular land and water legacy through community-based conservation.
Friends of the Missouri Breaks Monument
City : Helena
Phone : 406-310-9572
Mission : The Friends of the Missouri Breaks Monument work hard to advocate for the monument and steward the Missouri River.
Gallatin Valley Land Trust
City : Bozeman
Phone : 406-587-8404
Mission : Connects people, communities, and open lands through conservation of working farms and ranches, healthy rivers, and wildlife habitat, and the creation of trails in the Montana headwaters of the Missouri and Upper Yellowstone Rivers.
Gallatin Wildlife Assocation
City : Bozeman
Phone :
Mission : To protect habitat and conserve fish and wildlife populations on a sustainable basis for our children and future generations.
Greater Gallatin Watershed Council
City : Bozeman
Phone : 406-560-4425
Mission : Guide collaborative watershed stewardship in the Gallatin Valley for a healthy and productive landscape.
Inland Ocean Coalition Montana Chapter
City : statewide
Phone :
Mission : Focus on ocean policy.
Last Chance Audubon Society
City : Helena
Phone : 406-439-5762
Mission : Promotes understanding, respect and enjoyment of birds and the natural world through education, habitat protection and environmental advocacy.
Montana Association of Land Trusts
City : statewide
Phone : 406-490-1659
Mission : The mission of the Montana Association of Land Trusts (MALT) is to promote and support excellence in private voluntary land conservation in Montana through leadership, collaboration, education and outreach.
Montana Audubon
City : statewide
Phone : 406-443-3949
Mission : To promote appreciation, knowledge and conservation of Montana's native birds, other wildlife, and natural ecosystems to safeguard biological diversity for current and future generations.
Montana Conservation Corps
City : statewide
Phone : 406-587-4475
Mission : Inspiring young people through hands-on conservation service to be leaders, stewards of the land, and engaged citizens who improve their communities.
Montana Conservation Voters
City : statewide
Phone : 406-254-1593
Mission : MCV shines a spotlight on the votes and actions of elected officials - from the Courthouse to Congress - affecting clean air and water, open spaces, wildlife, and public health. MCV works for responsible stewardship of Montana's incredible natural assets
Montana Discovery Foundation
City : statewide
Phone : 406-495-3711
Mission : Connecting community and nature through education
Montana Environmental Information Center
City : statewide
Phone : 406-443-2520
Mission : Clean and healthful. It's your right, our mission
Montana Envrionmental Information Center
City : Helena
Phone : 406-443-2520
Mission : a non-partisan, non-profit environmental advocate dedicated to ensuring clean air and water for Montana's future generations.
Montana Forest Collaboration Network
City : statewide
Phone :
Mission : to help guide restoration of Montana’s National Forests.
Montana Land Reliance
City : statewide
Phone : 406-443-7027
Mission : encourages balance between agriculture and wildlife while allowing managed access to the ranch for a wide range of activities, from fly fishing to bird watching.
Montana Native Plant Society
City : statewide
Phone : 406-449-5278
Mission : partners with private landowners to permanently protect agricultural lands, fish and wildlife habitat, and open space.
Montana Renewable Energy Association
City : Missoula
Phone : 406-214-9405
Mission : to foster the growth of renewable energy for all Montanans through education, advocacy, and industry engagement.
Montana Trout Unlimited
City : statewide
Phone : 406-543-0054
Mission : Montana Trout Unlimited conserves, protects and restores Montana’s coldwater fisheries and their watersheds.
Montana Watershed Coordination Council
City : statewide
Phone : 406-475-1420
Mission : Uniting and supporting watershed communities across Montana.
Montana Wildlife Federation
City : statewide
Phone : 406-458-0227
Mission : The Montana Wildlife Federation is Montana’s oldest, largest conservation organization. The federation was founded in 1936 by hunters, anglers, landowners, and other conservationists who were concerned about the loss of Montana’s natural lands, healthy wa
National Parks Conservation Association, Northern Rockies Region
City : Bozeman
Phone : 406-577-2447
Mission : To protect and enhance our national parks for present and future generations.
Natural Resources Defense Council in MONTANA
City : statewide
Phone : 406-556-9300
Mission : NRDC’s Montana staff is primarily focused on protecting the land and wildlife of the Northern Rockies region while also promoting sustainable development. From a small office beside Bozeman Creek, our experts marshal local support and combine it with NRDC
Northern Plains Resource Council
City : Billings
Phone : 406-248-1154
Mission : a grassroots conservation and family agriculture group that organizes Montanans to protect our water quality, family farms and ranches, and unique quality of life.
People and Carnivores
City : Bozeman
Phone : 406-587-3389
Mission : Protect, reconnect, and restore large carnivore populations in the Northern Rockies by working with the region’s people to prevent human-carnivore conflicts.
Prickly Pear Land Trust
City : Helena
Phone : 406-442-0490
Mission : To inspire connections to the landscapes, water, wildlife, recreation and agricultural heritage of west-central
Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation
City : statewide
Phone : 800-225-5355
Mission : RMEF® is a wildlife conservation organization with a mission to ensure the future of elk, other wildlife, their habitat and our hunting heritage
Sacajawea Audubon Society
City : Bozeman
Phone : 406-587-1987
Mission : to build on an interest in birds to promote the conservation of our natural environment through enjoyment, education and action.
Sierra Club Montana Chapter
City : statewide
Phone : 406-549-1142
Mission : a volunteer run local organization to provide local events and outings, and to address local issues in the state of Montana.
Stillwater Valley Watershed Council
City : Absarokee
Phone : 406-780-1249
Mission : Provide an open forum in which all interested parties may work in a collaborative effort to sustain our rural quality of life to protect and enhance our natural resource
Sustainable Living Systems
City : Victor
Phone : 406/360-1751
Mission : to demonstrate and teach sustainable living regarding our food, energy, and shelter systems. and contribute toward building a localized economy in our region, starting with a Local Food System.
The Blackfeet Nation
City : Browning
Phone : 406-338-7421
Mission : Dedicated to building awareness about climate change and its impacts in the Blackfeet Nation, particularly impacts to human health and the environment.
The Jack Creek Preserve
City : Ennis
Phone : 406-682-3358
Mission : Preserving Wildlife And Its Habitat By Educating Youth About The Importance Of Conservation.
The Nature Conservancy in Montana
City : statewide
Phone : 406-443-0303
Mission : We work across the state of Montana to protect critical lands and waters on which all life depends. Together with our partners, we have conserved 1 million acres—one acre for every resident.
University of Montana Climate Response Club
City : Missoula
Phone :
Mission : A community of active students at the University of Montana dedicated to pursuing a sustainable future for UM, the Missoula community, and the world at large.
Upper Missouri Breaks Audubon Society
City : Great Falls
Phone : 406-781-4153
Mission : To protect birds and the places they need, today and tomorrow.
Upper Missouri Waterkeeper
City : Bozeman
Phone : 406-570-2202
Mission : Upper Missouri Waterkeeper protects fishable, swimmable, drinkable water throughout the 25,000 sq. miles of Montana’s Upper Missouri River Basin of Montana.
Wild Earth Guardians
City : Missoula
Phone :
Mission : We protect and restore the wildlife, wild places, wild rivers, and health of the American West.
Wild Montana
City : Helena
Phone : 406-443-7350
Mission : We work to unite and mobilize communities to keep Montana wild.
Wild West Institute
City : Missoula
Phone : 406-396-0321
Mission : Our mission is to protect and restore forests, wildlands, watersheds and wildlife in the Northern Rockies.
Yaak Valley Forest Council
City : Troy
Phone : 406-295-9736
Mission : Working for a wild Yaak through science, education, and bold action.
Yellowstone Valley Audubon Society
City : Billings
Phone : 406-839-4461
Mission : Building on the tradition of special interest in birds, Yellowstone Valley Audubon Society is organized to promote enjoyment and protection of natural environment through education, activism, and conservation of bird habitat.
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